Venue : CryptoChallengersD
Date : 07 JULY 2022
Time : 02:00 PM UTC.

10 min readJul 10, 2022


Guest: JAY
They shared detailed information and his opinions about the project REAL PLAYER DAO


1.Could you Guys please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?

Jay@RPD Real Player DAO,
This is Jay. I am the founder of RPD. I traded Bitcoin&Litecoin since 2013, but I officially worked as fulltime in crypto since 2020.

I used to work for Chainnews, the leading blockchain media in China, as the overseas marketing director. My main job is to help blockchain projects landing in China and help them build a localized network with media, KOL, community, VC and exchanges.

One of my clients was YGG, which was a big success in 2021. After a comprehensive research on YGG, I found out guild would be one of very few option to community to upgrade in the upcoming Metaverse age.

Therefore, since last November, I started my preparation for guild. RPD was officialy started from this January.

Due to my wide connection with KOL and communities, we have grown fast. Right now, we are already the most active guild in China and will expand global comminities soon. Moreover, we have get support from giants of gamefi industry.

2.Can you briefly introduce the project REAL PLAYER DAO ?


RPD (Real Player DAO) is a web3 Metaverse guild that uses a task platform, guild, credit system, renting system, and information service to connect good gamefi to real players.

RPD has created a task platform called Real Player Offering (RPO), which is designed to give tokens, NFT, whitelist, and stable coin to real players in exchange for them completing various tasks. RPO is Gamefi’s first task platform, which we refer to as the “Rabbithole of Gamefi.”

Visit RPO’s mission center at for more information.

RPD is now the most active guild in the Chinese-speaking crypto world, with more than 17k Discord followers and over 2000 scholars. Meanwhile, RPD will not be limited to China.

RPD is forming an active worldwide guild and assisting the global community in choosing the finest game by collaborating with Africa’s first blockchain incubator and prominent KOLs from Turkiye.

We currently work with Blast Royale, Angelic,Epic League, KOI, Red Village, Aperion, Zodium, Forthbox, and other games.

When it comes to asset rental, RPD will work with the NFT rental protocol to lend assets to team fighters while lowering their risk and threshold. The risk, as well as the potential revenue, would be assumed by Guild.

RPD will provide all information required for the future Metaverse age to our guild members as a service. We are now working on industry research report, game introduction, gaming strategy, and daily news.

RPD will offer a series of membership NFT based on Asian mythology. NFT holders have the opportunity to advance their membership level and earn a variety of rewards by completing high-level assignments on the RPO platform .

RPD has completed its seed round, which was led by Animoca Brands and included Momentum6, Youbi, Double Peak, Dweb3, Blockpact, Enzac Research, and Mr Block.

To conclude, RPD would be the Metaverse’s main gateway for millions of potential gamers anxious to join the P2E adventure.

3.Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievements that REAL PLAYER DAO is yet to achieve ?

The past quarter is busy for us. We have closed the seed round, which is done with a big success with the leading investor: Animoca Brands.

In late April, we have launched the public test of RPO platform and start an active promotion of RPO. You can see several tasks from our guild and our guys can check our mission center. there are many prize there:

You guys should pay attention to RPO. Until, it has attracted 30k users and has obviously functioned as one of the biggest entrance of gamefi.

Tomorrow we will start the mint of our member NFT — RPD Pass. Our NFT is a combination of memebership pass and PFP. By holding and staking the NFT, participants can increase their membership ranking faster and get many prize from guild and our gamefi partners.

As to the guild, we have officially started our promotion in Turkiye and Africa which starts well. By the end of this year, RPD is determined to be the most active guild in China, Turkiye and Africa.

In the near future, there are several achievements yet to come.

First, soon we will officially cooperate with some rental protocols and conduct NFT rental among guild members.

Second, we will close our private round which is targeting at the tier1 VCs in the crypto world. IDO and listing would happen in Q3. By then, you can see more games and more tasks on RPO as well as some leading exchanges listing our token. This is a challenge for us during such a market.

Continued in 2022, we will expand our community globally . Meanwhile, there will be more tasks with good prize to our guild members.

This is the whole plan of 2022, a lot of work for our team.

in order to get the most updated news of our guild, please follow our twiiter:

4.What is your plan for global expansion?

RPD is determined to be the most active guild in China, Turkiye and Africa.

Chinese market is our basic market where could offer a huge amount of potential players and token holders.

Then why Turkiye and Africa?

In my opinion, those two regions are very suitable to develop P2E. Gamefi could offer them a sufficient incentive to start to play. Moreover, there are not giant competitors for RPD to develop local community.

We have already received great support there. RPD has reached cooperation with leading KOLs and communities as well as the first IDO incubator from Nigeria.

5.What new features will be added in the future?

First of all, our NFT — RPD Pass will be alive. RPD Pass is defined as the “collector of gamefi”. By holding and staking it, you will have the chance to get all kinds of airdrops from guild and games.

Second is the rental system. We have cooperated with several NFT-rental platforms, including Taker, Kyoko, etc. Their mainnet will come alive soon. By then, our guild could lend NFT to scholars on chain.

there will be a lot of more experiment to be conducted

including the soul bound token, gamefi based on NFT, etc.

Here are the social media links for Real Player DAO 👇

Telegram —
Twitter —
Website —
Mission Center of RPO:


1.What are the most important features that distinguish you from other Gamefi guilds? Could you tell us briefly about your project team?

There are many guilds due to the success of YGG since 2021. Currently, we can see YGG, YGG SEA, Guildfi, Merit Circle, Ancient 8, Indigg, etc.

From the data of Gamefi Daily, we ranked no. 9 in all guilds. check the link:

Compared with our competitors, we are special in several ways.

First, we are the most active guild starting from China. This is our basic character. As we have observed, due to the massive community size, big purchasing power, sufficient talents and gamers, to be the most active guild of China could make RPD a huge success.

Second, currently, most guilds are located at Southeast Asia, South Asia or South America. RPD would not compete there. Apart from China, RPD will devote a lot of resources to explore the market of Turkey and Africa and attract players there.

Third, unlike many other guilds, we have a real product and we have developed it in an efficient way. From the idea to the public test, RPO has taken us for two months. We are a team prefer doing rather than talking.

Last, compared with other guilds from China, our advantages are much more obvious. We have a team with a global perspective and we have received support from many big institutes, like Animoca Brands.

2.One of statement was “We do not claim ourselves as a DAO; we function as a real DAO”. Why did you say that? Your project name already said as DAO. Could you please talk about it? When the DAO governance system will be ready?

Our full name is Real Player DAO. We do not claim ourselves as a DAO; we function as a real DAO.

there are so many DAO right now. but most of them are in fact centralized, like Solend.

For us, we will try our best to be a real DAO for real players.

First, we have an InvestDAO composed by more than 12 members, including NFT supporters, gamers, token traders, etc, to decide whether we need cooperate or invest any gamefi project.

Second, we have a GovernDAO and use snapshot, Metaforo and several other tools as our governance forum. You can check the link: to see proposals until now.

We encourage every token holder and NFT holder to join our governance and make a proposal. In the near future, every important decision should come out from the forum and our current team will make sure every approved proposal would be conducted 100%. everyone can see the execution process on the forum as well.

Moreover, in my plan, the majority of the profit should be shared by all DAO members in a legal way. I really wanna build a real DAO. Let time see our efforts.

Hope you guys can join our DAO goverance in the future.

3.I see that you will activate the NFT rental market, roughly speaking, what will be the conditions or parameters when renting an NFT? The owner of the NFT can rent it at the price he wants or there will be some indexes to follow?

I have mentioned, the mainnet of our parters will be activated soon. Their rental market will be fully conducted on chain.

The mechanism behind their platform is that they have created a new protocol for in-game NFT. NFT on Ethereum, BSC or other chains will be wrapped into a new form NFT. Users can borrow the wrapped NFT and play in the game.

On the platform, they would see the interest of an NFT and decide whether to borrow it or not.

The key thing for this is the cooperation between games, rental platform and guild. Now we are trying to find the best altogether.

4.In how many stages will NFT sales take place? If it will be in more than one phase, will the 888 NFT, the first of which will be held on July 8, have an advantage over the sales in the other phase? Can you talk about rarity levels and benefits?

There are 888 RPD Pass in the initial batch, priced at 0.08 eth each.

A number of leading exchanges, including OKX, X2Y2, Bitmart, and <ins></ins>, support the MINT of RPD Pass.

This MINT will be carried out in two batches and via several channels.

For the whitelist winners, MINT will be available on July 8th at 20:00 (UTC+8) with a total of 200 RPD Pass. There are currently more than 300 whitelist winners; therefore, Whitelist winners should MINT asap. The list of whitelist winners has been released.

On July 8th, at 22:00 (UTC+8), Open MINT will begin. 688 NFTs will be distributed over a number of marketplaces, including 288 at OKX, 200 at Bitmart, 100 at, and the final 100 RPD Pass at the RPD’s NFT channel (<ins></ins>).

Soon after the MINT, RPD Pass will be traded on Opensea, X2Y2, OKX, Bitmart,, and other martketplaces.

To conclude, RPD Pass is scarce and has the potential to prosper during the current bear market.

to know how to mint, please check this.

5.Does RPD educate the newcomers and those who don’t know about crypto about crypto games and NFTs? Is there a document or video that shows newcomers to RPD how to get started step by step?

This is the reason why we wanted to develop the RPO platform. Through RPO platform, users can get all kinds of rewards by finishing simple tasks. those rewards include in game NFT or token, or whitelist, even some cash.

when users won the reward, it would be much easier for them to start to play the game.

Moreover, our guild would offer a well-designed education on how to play, including industry research report, game introduction, gaming strategy, and daily news.

Therefore, joining RPD will be the easiest way to join the Metaverse.


gamefi market is currently very depressed, what is the best plan for RPD to survive the bear market?
Why did you choose this time to issue nft
What are the initiatives to maintain the stability of nft price

The market is so bearish right now. as a new project, we have been affected a lot.

but we have the strong confidence to survive until the bull coming back.

the strategy is simple: keep cost low and keep on building.

for me, challenger is also a chance. if we can make RPD Pass a success in such a bearish market, it would attract the attention from the whole crypto community and help promote RPD effectively.

and after a longtime hard work, we have received support from many partners, including exchanges, media, games and communities.

i do believe we can win, RPD can win.

Q2-𝙁𝙞, 𝙁𝙞𝙚, 𝙁𝙤, 𝙁𝙪𝙢!
You told that you have an InvestDAO composed by more than 12 members. Who are these members? How can they help you? How important this investDAO in RPD?

right now, InvestDAO has 12 members. they are with various backgrounds, including professional games, NFT fans, crypto traders, longterm investors, finance professor, etc.

whenever we need to decide an important cooperation or investment, they will have an internal meeting and take a vote.

if when they vote yes, i will carry on the work and negotiate with games.

in that way, the decision would be as reasonable as possible

and we can find the best game we can help promote in our community and connect to our real players.

