5 min readJan 19, 2022


Venue : CryptoChallengersD
Date : 15 JAN 2022
Time : 12:00 PM UTC.

Guest: Thierry Rosete
They shared detailed information and his opinions about the project MUNDO.


1. Could you Guys please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
My name is Thierry and I’m the CMO of MUNDO. I have several years of Marketing experience in traditional marketing as a Video content marketeer, but since 2021 I have been active in the crypto space with setting up marketing campaigns for start up projects.

I have been involved in crypto since 2017, but more as an investor at that time. I was always intrigued by how it would be like to be a part of such a young and innovative industry. And I am honoured and extremely lucky to be able to participate in that industry now just a couple years later with such an exciting project!

The Core team of MUNDO consists right now of our CEO Joel Garcia, Me as CMO and Faouzi Daouha as CTO. Most of the team is based in the Netherlands, while our CEO and our game artists and writers are based from the Philippines.

2.Can you briefly introduce the project MUNDO what are some of utlities of $MUNDO ? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
Mundo is a open world fantasy MMORPG blockchain game. It is inspired by games such as Flyff & The Diablo Series.

The $MUNDO token will be used within the game as premium currency for example.

The token will be used to buy and sell items on our own NFT marketplace that is directly linked to you Mundo account.

We believe that we stand out by being a true Free to play game, and not only focussing on crypto users. We want as many people to play Mundo as possible!

3.Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target MUNDO is yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
The major milestone will Ofcourse be the full game release in Q3 this year, the team is working hard on making that happen 🙌

The biggest achievements so far is getting validation on our idea/concept by onboarding some big backers such as DCI, Oddiyana and NetVrk. The support of these parties really help drive the ambition and hype needed for us to build the best game possible!

Our roadmap can be found on our website if you’d like to know more about the stuff we have plannen between tge and game launch! 🚀

4) Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your platform?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
We are looking into getting audited by a third party to ensure the security measures we have taken in our smart contract are working as intended.

I believe that crypto users will love Mundo as it will bring them back in contact with non-crypto gamers aswel. The market has been really segregated recently, and it’s sometimes tough to think about anything other than crypto, hahaha. Besides trading NFTs on our marketplace is going to be really easy as users won’t have to worry about moving the NFTs around themselves

5.Whats the total supply of the token ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
There will be 200 Million tokens in total, we are currently still commencing our private sale.

You can check out our tokenomics here


Project stability is important, so how do you make sure your project doesn't die year after year?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
We are an MMORPG game, so constant development is something will keep happening in order to provide players with enough content to enjoy the game! We expect a life-cycle of 3-5 years and maybe even longer the player base allows us to continue!

We won’t die in a year because that would be a waste of the time that went in development.
We are confident that Mundo will succeed!

Q2-Alice Maples:
Is community important to you? will you listen to us in decision making sir?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
Community is the backbone of the project, but rather than letting token holders decide the course of the game, we want the active players to shape the game, as they are the ones that know what they would love added to the game more than anyone! 😁

So many projects just like to speak about the "long term vision and mission" but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
Short term missions can be easily be shared!

- NFT Marketplace Launch
- Gameplay Demo release (2 playable demos)
- Full game launch 🚀🚀

Q4-Lorean Anderson:
Promoters are important enough for you to popularize your product, so do you have a great promoter to promote it?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
We have onboarded some great KoL’s to the project, they will help promote the project in their respective regions. CryptoFomo for example has helped us a lot with dropping a few mentions of us in his videos 🙏

Q5-Toccara Oliphant:
Can a new user like me invest on your platform? HOW Can I buy your token?

Thierry ⚔️ MUNDO:
We will announce our IDO platforms really soon, but I can share that it will happen in the 2nd week of February.

Stay up to date with our announcements through our channels! We will share how you can get your hands on some $MUNDO tokens really soon 🔥

Stay up to date with our announcements through our socials 😁

Telegram Announcements:

Thanks so much for having me over as guest today!

Always love sharing more about Mundo! 🙏🙏

