Venue : CryptoChallengersD
Date : 11 AUG 2022
Time : 05:00 PM UTC.

10 min readSep 5, 2022

They shared detailed information and his opinions about the project CARTESI


Cartesi is the first Blockchain OS. It allows developers to build decentralized logic with Linux and standard programming environments preserving the decentralization and security of blockchains. That means moving beyond Solidity and coding smart contracts with rich software tools, libraries, and services developers are used to. All while, free from scalability limits.

1.Could you guys please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?

Carlo Fragni,
Hi, my name is Carlo and I was the 2nd engineer to join Cartesi. I’ve been involved in different layers of the development of the Cartesi technology.

I am currently leading the Solution Architecture division, helping multiple teams develop amazing new DApps using our technology.

Gabriel barros,
Hi, I am Gabriel and I joined Cartesi in 2020. I’ve mainly worked in smart contracts development and related backend services. Most recently, I’ve worked in developer relations to bridge the knowledge gap between mainstream developers and blockchain.

2.Can you briefly introduce CARTESI — what is your project about? What are some of the utilities of $CTSI ? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?

Put simply, Cartesi is the first Blockchain OS. We bring Linux to the decentralized world.

That means that developers can use traditional software components developed over decades instead of having access to immature and limited tools built from scratch for the blockchain.

We have an optimistic rollups solution that allows scaling computations, making them cheaper and faster. Of course, there are other Optimistic Rollups solutions out there, but we have some key differences.

1 — We are not compliant with the underlying blockchain VM and that makes us blockchain agnostic.

2 — Our choice of being RISC-V based allows us to offer Linux as a runtime environment for the decentralized logic of the DApps. This means DApps have the same resources available as traditional Apps do: if you want to make a De-Fi solution, you can use traditional mathematical libraries that implement complex models, if you want to create a decentralized social network you can use a database like SQLite. SQLite is a really powerful tool that some of the teams initially developing on Cartesi are taking advantage of. All these things should be rebuilt from the ground up when developing directly over a blockchain.

3 — Another important difference is that other Optimistic Rollups projects have a single VM processing all the DApps using their technology. We, on the other hand, have a Rollup per DApp, which expands a lot the computational power available to a DApp. In the industry this is known as scaling horizontally.

Overall, I think a very important aspect of our technology is allowing traditional developers to get started on developing DApps really fast as they can use the tools they are used to and don’t have to learn Solidity or worry about most of the blockchain idiosyncrasies.

About CTSI use cases, it is the token that powers our products and it’s used in multiple ways: rewarding validators for computations verified, securing our side-chain through staking, securing dispute mechanisms as collateral, etc.

If you want to learn more about the developer experience and what DApps they’re building with our tech, check out these videos over on our YouTube channel:

And there’s still more videos to come — make sure to stay tuned for those in the coming weeks!

3.Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? What are the major achievements that CARTESI is yet to achieve? If possible, also share your roadmap.

We have already developed our core technology, including the Cartesi Machine, the Verification Game (our base dispute protocol), a first framework that adds a convenience layer on top of those (called Descartes) and developed groundbreaking DApps showcasing those (Creepts and Texas HODL’em). Our current efforts are completely focused on releasing the first version of the Cartesi Rollups on Mainnet which further expands what is possible to develop using our technology, is much easier to get started and further reduces DApp costs. We are eager to see the cool innovative DApps that will be built using our technology.

We are working with multiple integrator teams that are pioneering the first Cartesi Rollups DApps, including teams with very diverse backgrounds: some are experienced web3 developers while others are traditional web2 developers with no prior blockchain experience at all.

You can expect a lot of innovative DApps taking advantage of powerful libraries like OpenCV (that is present on basically every phone and camera in the world), displaying the power and possibilities that the Cartesi Machine brings to the decentralized world.

Take a look at the first video featured in our newly launched campaign to hear from Albert, a web developer who’s creating a decentralized voting system & ride-sharing DApp with our tech:

We’re dedicated to keeping our community updated on our progress towards Mainnet, releasing regular and frequent announcements on our progress. Alongside that, we also release a development recap every month detailing our achievements. Take a look at the latest one here:

4.What’s the total supply of $CTSI ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution.

CTSI is currently an ERC-20 token and it’s meant to power the Cartesi ecosystem. Currently it’s total supply is of 1 Billion tokens and it’s generally used to secure multiple mechanisms and also as the currency to pay for services.

In our Rollups solution we are using CTSI to reward validators whenever they process a certain time slot we call epoch. In disputes, CTSI is used for collaterals as economic stimulus for all the parties to act correctly.

Also, in our Rollups solution we have a voucher mechanism that allows DApps to issue blockchain transactions from within the Cartesi Machine, CTSI will be used to reward nodes that enforce those and also in the PoS mechanism for choosing the parties that will do that.

We are also developing a cheap garbage-collection enabled data storage solution called Noether and CTSI secures Noether’s side-chain, using a PoS mechanism to elect the nodes that chose the data to be stored.

As we keep developing our ecosystem, our token will also expand its use cases. You can check details about the token distribution on this Binance Research page:

5.Can you please introduce the team behind the success of CARTESI?

On the technical side, our project involves very complex issues ranging from low-level hardware problems up to high-level definition of SDK interfaces. We couldn’t build the Cartesi Machine without extremely capable and experienced researchers and engineers nor the dispute resolution protocols without very smart and knowledgeable distributed systems/blockchain engineers and researchers. Our team has many PhDs and MScs from top universities and we are very proud of that.

On the business side, blockchain is a very competitive landscape and we also have exceptional people closing an amazing amount of key partnerships, benchmarking the market, developing our community and brand and taking care of all the economic side of the project.

We invite you guys to learn more about the amazing people supporting Cartesi: our core contributors, ambassadors and integrators contributing to The Blockchain OS over on our website (


1 —
Can the community participate in the governance of the project? And how can they participate?

Yes, we have a welcoming technical community on Discord in which you can interact with other community members and core team members at

Also, if you want to get involved with technical proposals for the ecosystem, you can contribute at with your CIP or by joining the discussion of existing ones.

CIP stands for Cartesi Improvement Proposal, and it’s our equivalent for Bitcoin’s BIP and Ethereum’s EIP.

2 —
What do you think of a public chain with privacy features? Many public chains are considering adding privacy features, such as adding zero-knowledge proofs, will Cartesi develop in this field?

Privacy is a very important requirement in many applications. As the Cartesi Machine features a full fledged Linux inside it, you actually have access to multiple battle tested privacy/security mechanisms implemented in different tools and libraries. We actually used zero knowledge proofs on our poker game showcase, Texas HODL’em. To generate the zk proofs, we used a C++ library called LibTMCG. You can read more about on this article:

3 —
To what extent did the recent bear market affect the development of the project and how did you manage to survive this longest bear market and continue construction and development? thank you, hope to see the achievement of this project together in the coming years.

The bear market affects the whole industry and limits the amount of new investments received for all projects. No one knows how long it will last and many projects unfortunately won’t make it through it

It’s not our first bear market. The Cartesi project was actually born during one, which is why the Cartesi Foundation is extremely cautious about how funds are spent

The Cartesi Foundation currently has enough funds to guarantee the development of the project for many years. So, for us, we’ll keep laser focused on developing the Blockchain OS as we always did

We value transparency a lot and periodically release reports with detailed usage of the funds and displaying the token unlocks

Here is the last one available:

4 —
Partners and marketing are crucial for adoption, it’s also important to have translation programs or local communities to pass information across to non English speakers.Would there be a form of marketing and are there plans to partner with other projects?

About partnerships, we are always negotiating and closing new partnerships to increase the awareness around the project and expand the capabilities and reach of our technology. Stay tuned on our official channels for our constant announcements.

5 —
how Cartesi run outside the blockchain, without compromising decentralization?

That’s the beauty of our core technology, it allows computations happening off-chain to be secured by the underlying blockchain consensus.

When there are disputes, the underlying blockchain is used to arbitrate the winner, thus depending on the consensus of thousands of nodes instead of a small number of parties interested in that particular computation.

You can learn more about how the Cartesi Machine and the Verification Game work together to enable this level of security in our whitepaper ( and join our Discord technical community to talk about it and clear any doubts (

Seems your channel excluded a large portion of Barros last answer

mind reposting the communities barros?

Yes, we have multiple local communities besides the main Telegram english one (

🇧🇷 Brazil
(🇨🇳 Chinese
(🇨🇳 Chinese > WeChat — Emmanuel -111
🇮🇩 Indonesian
(🇯🇵 Japanese
(🇰🇷 Korean
(🇰🇷 Korean — Kakaotalk
(🇵🇭 Philippines
(🇷🇺 Russian
(🇪🇸 Spanish
(🇹🇷 Turkish
(🇺🇦 Ukrainian
(🇻🇳 Vietnamese
( Arabic


Tell us the reason Cartesi chose Linux to develop your project. Also, is it possible to develop DApps with other operating systems?

[In reply to grahito‌‌]
Cartesi chose to adapt the RISC-V processor to be our emulator VM. This is because blockchain software should be opensource and Cartesi loves opensource. Now, when it comes to linux it’s a no-brainer, since it’s the most deployed operating system in the whole, highly reliable and happens to be opensource 😊.
Could you use another OS? Yes. However, it would be a great hill to climb, since you’d have to compile and adapt that system to our RISC-V VM. We encourage you to go through our docs ( and learn more on how wholesome it’s to develop with Cartesi.

Q2-Shannon Correia,
What works in terms of security in your project? Which smart contracts of your project are well monitored by the auditing company, if yes, can you tell which company did the auditing?

[In reply to Shannon Correia]
Security is a major concern on our project, we take it extremely seriously. All our code goes through very extensive internal audits and when we have a release candidate for Mainnet, we also deploy it on testnet to get the feedback of the community. When we are happy with it, we also have external audits performed by specialized blockchain security companies, like Certik and SlowMist. We also have a bug bounty program at Immunefi. We take security very seriously.

Link to our Immunefi bug bounty program*1e27qeg*_ga*NTE3ODc4MTEzLjE2NTMzNTExMzc.*_ga_HM92STPNFJ*MTY1ODQxOTQ3MS40LjAuMTY1ODQxOTQ3MS42MA

Another option is to stake directly by running our own node to represent our stake. How can we own a node? IS This can be a good option for us if you have a very large amount of CTSI?

[In reply to Chrono]
Erick has written a good article on how to get started on running nodes

I encourage you to read and think about if this is for you. If so, then also check the github with more up-to-date instructions.

Having said that, only you can decided what is the best option when staking. If you have large amounts of CTSI it’s very possible to go on your own with running a node, however, you have to keep up with hardware/infrastructure costs and maintenance.

You always have the option to just research a good decentralized pool and stake with them and go about your day 😉

Thanks for the great questions everyone, it was great to see the diversity and thoughtfulness of the questions asked — wish we had more time to answer them all!

You can stay connected with us and new developments via our socials:

For developers out there, please join the technical community on Discord

