Venue : CryptoChallengersD
Date : 30AUG 2022
Time : 02:00 PM UTC.

11 min readSep 5, 2022

They shared detailed information and his opinions about the project 3QUALITY


3QualiTy is a fintech company that offers an easy solution to charitable giving. Through our digital token, 3QT,and our philosophy ‘Every Human is Equal,’ charity and cryptocurrency go hand in hand.

Nicole Franklin,
3QualiTy incorporated on January 25, 2022 in New York state, USA. So we’re brand new! Having the resources to donate to charitable causes has been a passion of Nicholas Chandler’s for years. After being in the crypto space himself for a number of years the need to connect charitable donors and charitable causes via cryptocurrency became clear. 3QualiTy makes the connection, and it makes it easy.

1.Could you Guys please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?

Sure! I’m Nicole Franklin, Co-Founder and COO of 3QualiTy. I come from 30 years of film & television and currently host a radio series in Los Angeles, CA titled Before You Go where we talk to 100-year-old guests. I love projects about preserving legacy.

When talking to communities — epecially communities of color — how are they building upon legacy and building generational wealth. This has been an issue globally. Crypto can assist in this area, exponentially.

I am Nicholas Chandler CEO and cofounder of 3Quality. I am an IT professional and have been the IT manager for an organization and have worked in the network infrastructure and network administration industry for many years under my owned Business. This project was a personal thing for me as someone who grew up poor. Everyone does not have the opportunity to break that cycle so we are here to help those in need.

2.Can you briefly introduce the project 3QualiTy ? What are some of utlities of $3QT? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?

3QualiTy is a token that integrates charity and decentralized ledger technology. If you’re crypto wealthy, we facilitate the giving.

Most who give, we find, are people who are just making ends meet. With a generous spirit, we would like to be generous to them as well.

Use Cases

1. persons require our tokens to take part in the treasure hunt.
2. In the treasure hunt, persons who wish to advertise their establishment will be required to hold our tokens before we list them, and they reward people with our tokens for shopping at their establishment.
3. For our partnerships, people will be able to pay for items at their establishment with our tokens
4. They will also reward persons for loyalty with our tokens.
5. We will collect fees from persons using the charity platform, which will go back to our charity.
6. People will donate to our charity with our token as well.

Paritipating with us means you’ll have opportunities to earn extra crypto, free crypto and loyalty rewards from participating vendors through our 3QualiTy Treasure Hunt.

3.Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target 3QualiTy is yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.

anything I see that you have missed I will share

Launching to volume just under $1 million is a major achievement for us. As those who are with us know, 15% of all net profits go toward charity.

Yes we are able so successfully launch on CoinTiger price tracking price tracking exchange

These are our tokenomics. Our books are open. The charities we intend to work with have to be transparent in their blockchain activities as well.

We have now began partnership negotiations with some major organizations as well

Once secured we will release that information

We recently were invited to a palace in Dubai to showcase our project

and they too have embraced us

Big things to come guys

4.Whats the total supply of the token ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution?

Our 3QT Total Supply: 20 Billion.

Yes the total supply is 20Billion Tokens the above tokenomics chart has the entire breakdown. Team tokens will be released over a 5 year period this is to build confidence in our community and also to prevent team members from receiving big batches of tokens and leaving. This grantees that who are part of the team are in the project or the longterm and have the project at heart

The treasure hunt is the most exciting aspect of our chart where persons collect free tokens. We also are looking to deploy our staking soon look out for that guys

remember to join our telegram chat

5.Lastly, Is there any bullish information to share with our community before we wrap our first segment? What is the best way to stay updated about 3Quality?

Love “bullish” vibe. 🙂 The best way to stay updated is to join our TG here:

We have SEVERAL initiatives that people can participate in today:

1) We love when people who love crypto can tell friends who are not into crypto, but wish to learn, to join in! I have an online course available: Buying Your First Milliion Tokens for $500 or Less. Let’s get beginners into crypto and feeling like they can make $$ and give it away.

2) Anyone who sells this course for us gets $100 USD per sale. Sign up at

We will be introducing our Challenge Tokens these will be specially minted tokens that you can hold in your hands. These will be Attractive and collectables for bragging rights. They will all be limited editions so stay tuned for when we release. Everyone will not have the opportunity to get one

3) Anyone purchasing the course automatically purchases $50USD worth of $3QT — so they’re already owning crypto, and better yet, crypto that gives to charity.

Our memorabilia will by Fire

let me share a sneak peak

4) Our Challenge Tokens will be the memorobilia you will want to own for sure. Please sign up via our Telegram group. We’ll have the sign up sheet posted by Friday.

5) Yes, our merch will fund our charitable causes. Be sure to sport your 3QT kicks!

6) We have a Trading Competition happening at CoinTiger. Exciting!!

Much more news to come. Stay tuned on our TG!


1.I read the @3qualitytoken introduced a risk-free staking mechanism for your token. Can you please explain What is your staking mechanism and how it works? What are the strategies you’ve employed to ensure that this process is Risk-free and user assets are secured?

Thank you for the question! We work with Fireblocks. They are digital assets security company. When Fireblocks runs your staking, you’re in good hands.

Staking will begin soon. In working the numbers, we’ll have a strong platform, but percentages on the conservative side will maintain a proper balance for our company AND $3QT traders and holders to benefit — especially if you HODL. 🙂

2.As far as I can remember, this is your 2nd AMA with us here in “Challengers Community”. We want to know the progress you’ve made so far since March, so what’s happening now? Want to share here with us what’s new at #3QualiTy? And what else can be expected from you?

Building partnerships has been the behind-the-scenes work. Nicholas is from Barbados and he has some plans off the platform for locals to participate in using 3QT. So designing even more revenue streams than are in the white paper has taken up most of the summer.

Of course I was working on the online course. Those were a LOT of videos! And more to come! That was just the mini-course. We’re starting on the signature course now (more videos, LOL) that take you from beginner crypto lesson to partnering in philanthropy — through crypto!

So…as you see, we have a brand. 🙂 DONE.

3.I understand that 3QualiTy has a lucrative referral system on your platform. Could you please explain how this referral program works, for which users it is available and how much an average user could earn with each person referred to your platform?

Terrific! Yes you noticed our mini-course for beginners and the crypto curious. It’s titled Buying Your First Million Tokens for $500 or Less. You can see it here: Those of us on Telegram can refer our friends and family to the course to get them up and running in crypto. If they purchase the course, you get $100 USD.

@Nicoleedits are you addressing this. I think this refers to your mini courses

We love rewarding our community.

Sign up on the affiliate marketing form there on the site:

You’ll receive a code, and when the regitrant uses the code to sign up, you’ll get your $100 right away!

4.I have had a tour in your REVENUE model which is really veracious. How can we help you in selling ads within your Treasure Hunt? What is the role of 3qualitytoken community member in treasure Hunt? Where will the earned profits go?

Oh yes, always. And I love that course registrant purchase $3QT with their registration fees. That works! DONE

Earned profits go toward marketing, building our reward reserve, and of course 15% of net profits go to charity.

You may assist us in ads by referrring merchants and corporations to us from around the globe who wish to participate. We will introduce them to our sales team.

Also, please help bring people to the 3QualiTy Treasure Hunt. Entry fees help fund the donation wallet as well. AND from time to time in our community, we will be offering free passes to the 3QT Treasure Hunt.

Our treasure hunt was designed to 1. Give users free crypto, And when we attract users we attract advertisers. We will be selling video ads and featured spots on our map as well so a business can be featured and other tokens as well

5.As I first read your project name “3QUALITY”, I immediately became curious on what this name means. So what does your project name ‘3QUALITY” means? Is the number “3” has meaning on your project name that is related to your project goals?

Our sleek and cool logo design is from Nicholas Chandler, our CEO. Nicholas would you like to explain the concept?

yes i do graphics as well.. a side gig

The 3 represents: No mater the Color, Class, or Creed we will never judge

we dont care where you come from

what you look like it does not matter

we do not judge

we would like towards a world of Equality and if you flip the 3 in 3QualiTy you get Equality

3QualiTy is written with a capitalized Q and T to spell out 3QT which is our token

our mascot was also built on our logo

and will be eventually made into a real life mascot and dolls for kids around the world

Simply put: The letter E backwards is 3 and the three numbers in the number 3 are always equal.

let me share her image here

Make sure you follow us on Twitter at @3QualiTyToken and share our mission and updates with all who wish to give, give, give!

we have fun animated sticker of her as well


Q1-Diran Abudu,
Is there Entry fees for participating in the 3QT Treasure hunt ? And what requirements needed to join this event? Finnally, can you tell us how efficient and effective are your team in term of experienced and strong tech background to handled good management of your project and take this project to the greater height?

[In reply to Diran Abudu]
There is no fee to enter the hunt but you will be required to be hold a certain amount of 3QT in your wallet. Once you are holding our tokens that is it for entry. We have carefully selected team members who have specific specialties to make sure that our efficiency level is always high

3QualiTy aims to help persons who need assistance and organizations who are actively giving assistance and saving lives. What is the strategy used on the platform to confirm that the organizations we are giving donations to are legit? That the funds destined to charity will be allocated in what they were destined for?

[In reply to Alice]
Great question! When our app is released, it will include a way for our global volunteers known as our READING BOARD to upvote charitable cases that come with evidence and proof of legitimacy. So we need YOU — all of you — to stay in touch with us to be a part of this global effort.

In 3QUALITY, we can be a VOLUNTEER, DONATE, and REQUEST HELP. In order to get connected in to your platform, how can we reach out to 3QUALITY if someone would like to volunteer, donate, and ask for help? What are the best that we can do to help 3QUALITY with its goals?

[In reply to Rainy]
Yes! Thanks! Please fill out the form at the bottom of our website All queries to Volunteer, Donate, Request for help go there. If you do not hear from us, please send an email to Thanks!

Q4-ꔪOP ᭄ ☯࿐𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓽
What are your go to market strategy? Or Who do you see as your biggest competitors?

[In reply to ꔪOP ᭄ ☯࿐𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷]
We do not see competitors. I find people spend too much time competing with other. If your goal is to help others we are willing to work with you towards the same goal. If we stand together we can do so much more. Our strategy is to get the word out there, Do good and be honest in all things


IS your project a community only for English speaking an countries or for users not of other languages?

[In reply to 𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙆𝘼]
Thanks for this! We are a global community and a Global team! We currently have our main TG channel in English and a German, French and Chinese channel. We will probably begin an Arabic channel soon as well. Thanks!

Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed to make decisions, do you take the community into consideration?

[In reply to 𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐇𝐎]
Our community is very valuable to us. Without a good community we cannot do anything. We will definitely be engaging them when it comes to certain decisions and getting their valuable feedback is necessary

We really want to make it clear that crypto is for everyone. The more you participate with 3QualiTy, the more you are able to give.

Join Nicole’s minicourse if you need some pointers

And Do good for others

One thing though, when you do good never do it for the camera. I hate to see people recording themselves giving people food or money

it is not genuine

Do good and it will come back to you

Thank you for having us again

And, we like that we have the opportunity to give back. See you on TG and Twittter! And don’t forget to pick up one of our cool Challenge Tokens. Those will be available for signups this week! See you online! And please reach out about the course as well. Rock on, Challengers!! $3QT DONE.

